A Range of Courses to Suit YOUR Needs
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Consultant Training
Our Blended Consultant Training Program is TOPS in the natural hair care industry! Sisterlocks trains in over 35 locations throughout the year. Learn how to establish a Sisterlocks practice and represent this wonderful brand.
Already Certified or a Trainee? Browse options for our graduates, acquire additional certifications, and build a bright future with our Sisterlocks Pathway to Success. Must have completed our Consultant Training Program to be eligible.
Professional Development
Sharpen your range of Sisterlocks' skills with focused trainings from certified Sisterlocks instructors.
Consultant Re-certification
Don't let your Certification lapse! Do your part to uphold the high standards and professional reputation of our Certified Sisterlocks Consultants. Follow the simple guidelines to preserve your "Active" status by re-certifying every two years.